Friday, July 10

Not So Small

I was reading recently about paying more attention to what God is doing in our lives and making a point to thank Him for the small measures of grace He sends us every day. Such thoughts came to mind this afternoon as we narrowly missed being part of a multiple-car pile up on the way home from Adam's office.

At first, I was simply glad that we'd avoided crashing into the cars around us. As I thought further, though, I realized that the tiny bit of mercy I'd noticed was much bigger than I'd recognized.

If we'd been in an accident this afternoon, Adam would have missed several hours work (and those corresponding dollars in his next paycheck) as we got the damage sorted out and a rental car secured. While our car insurance would have covered the cost of a rental car and most of the repairs, we would still have had to find a few hundred dollars to cover the deductible. I don't know where that would have come from, especially with a smaller-than-normal paycheck coming up.

And that's all assuming we had no injuries. A trip to the ER or even a check-up with our family doctor would require more money out of our pockets--more money that just isn't there right now. A severe injury that required hospitalization would mean even more missed work, more lost wages, more physical and financial hardship.

Today, I'm thanking God, not just for sparing us a minor fender bender, but for saving us particular struggles right now that I can only imagine.

Thank You, God for sparing us. I pray that when times of trial do come I can trust as easily in Your goodness and judgment.

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