Friday, February 27

Soup ... Nuts!

The soup didn't turn out so well. My daughter did a great job of cutting the carrots and celery. She only needed slight direction in keeping the pieces of similar size. I cut the onions and garlic myself. We got everything into the pot, seasoned and simmering. Then my unofficial ADD kicked in. I mistakenly left the jars of thyme and bay leaves on the counter rather than putting them back up in the cupboard. I'd set the timer so that I would remember to stir the soup after about 15 minutes. When it went off, I discovered my daughter had been adding her own signature touch to the dish: the rest of the bottle of thyme. I sent her to her room while I dumped dinner attempt #1.

I decided not to try for another soup, but to just make some pasta and cheese. I set the water to boil and left the kitchen to sit back down. My daughter decided that another visit of her own to the kitchen was in order. While I was watching watching a movie and browsing the internet, she was smearing Karo syrup around on the kitchen floor.

And right now, it's still there. I haven't decided how best to clean a quarter-inch-deep puddle of corn syrup off the vinyl tile. Any ideas?

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