Monday, February 19

Down in the Mouth

Lately, life has been keeping me awfully busy. Not necessarily in the I-have-so-much-to-do sense, but my brain keeps spinning with all the things I have to remember. I feel like I'm on a giant hamster wheel and no matter how fast I'm running, I don't get anywhere.

So, I respond in my normal manner. I get a little depressed. I feel overwhelmed with life and don't want to step outside myself, even when that just means writing a real live blog post.

This morning I woke up with a list in my head. I wrote down all of my to-dos and I've actually managed to cross out five of the original and one more I had to add later. But that still leaves me with nine things on my list. And that doesn't even include things like "cook dinner" or "wash the dishes". No wonder my house is a mess.

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